General Information 

Find all the information you need about the 2nd European Fullcontact Karate Cup through our website, or click the link to the invitation document below.

Below you will also find a printable form for participant state of health and a document with competition rules.

For information needed that’s not included or can’t be found here please contact


2nd EFKO Selection Cup 2024 Invitation Pdf
PDF – 1,2 MB 267 downloads
2nd EFKC Participant State Of Health
Word – 78,6 KB 212 downloads
JFKO Competition Rules Pdf
PDF – 194,5 KB 180 downloads

We collaborate with NADO, the Belgian national anti doping organization. We will conduct doping tests during the EFKO cup, because we want clean, correct and doping free sportsmanship at the EFKO tournaments. 
You can find information about NADO via:
