Transportation from Brussels Airport to Antwerp 

Intercity bus service

De Decker - Van Riet provides an intercity service between Brussels Airport and Antwerp Crown Plaza / Antwerp City Centre.  It takes approximately 45 minutes from the airport to the city centre. You can find the bus stop directly beneath the arrival zone of the airport, on level 0 in the vicinity of the drop-off zone. Use the elevators or escalators to get to platform P16. 
click here to book your tickets

To get to the official hotel, Mercure City South Antwerp, depart the AirPort Express Bus at the Crowne Plaza stop and walk approximately 300 meters back in the direction of which the bus arrived. At Desguinlei cross the street and proceed to the left. 100 Meters further, at your right, you’ll find the hotel.



You can catch a train to Antwerp directly beneath Brussels Airport. It’s located at level -1 and can be reached by elevator or escalator.  Buy your tickets in advance. You have to scan them at the entrance gates to the Brussels Airport train station.  Antwerp Central Station is at the heart of the city. 
click here to book your tickets

To get to the official hotel, Mercure City South Antwerp, follow the signs to subway line 2 in the direction of “Hoboken or Zwaantjes” you can pay with a credit card on the white terminals inside of the vehicles. Click here for more information. Stay on line 2 till “Antwerpen deSingel”. Once on the platform walk back in the direction of which you came. Cross the road and turn right. About 300m on your left side you should see the hotel.

Hotel to venue 

To get from the official hotel, Mercure City South Antwerp, to the venue. Transportation is arranged on Saturday and Sunday morning from the hotel to the venue and the other way around on Saturday and Sunday evening. Departure times will be announced on site. Please be advised that you will have to make the trip on your own if you miss transport. To get to the venue with public transport walk out of the hotel and turn left when you reach the road. Cross the street “Karel Oomsstraat” and you’ll see a bus stop at your left. Take bus 17 in the direction of “Felix Archief” and ride along 7 stops till Central Station. At Central Station cross the square “Astridplein” on which Central Station. On the other side of this square you will find a subway station “premetro station Astrid”. Go down and to the platform of line 8 direction “P&R Wommelgem”. Take the tram for 2 stops. Depart the first stop above ground “Muggenberg”. Cross the street to Muggenberglei and walk to the roundabout. Look slightly left and you’ll see the venue.


The other way around should be obvious.


Public transport tickets are 2,5€ p.p./hour. Group tickets can be sold.

Click here for more information about De Lijn busses and trams.

We recommend you to use Google Maps for your convenience. Belgian public transportation is embedded in Google Maps with real time tracking. Be advised that public transportation isn’t available between 1:00h and 4:30h. Taxis are abundant and safe.